
영어로 생각하는 습관. Victoria Academia


강의 이미지

Let's go 5

  • 강사명 Victoria Cho 선생님
  • 강의구성 총 33강


강의 리스트
번호 제목 첨부파일 보기
1 v unit 1 . Let's talk and Let's learn /Link3- unit1
2 v Unit 1- Let's learn and Let's learn more /Link3- unit2
3 v Unit 1. Let's read /Link3- unit3
4 v Unit 1. Test
5 unit2. Let's talk and learn 1쪽 /Link3- unit4
6 unit2. Let's learn 1쪽 more / Link 3-unit 5
7 unit2 Let' learn more 1쪽 and Read , Link3-6과
8 unit 2-유닛테스트전 워크북체크
9 unit3 Let's talk and learn 1쪽 Link3 -7과
10 unit3 Let's learn 1쪽 and more 1쪽 Link3 -8과
11 unit3 Let's more 1쪽 and read Link3 -9과
12 unit3 워크북체크 유닛테스트
13 unit4 Let's talk Link3-10과
14 unit4 Let's learn and more1 / Link3-11과
15 Unit 4 Let's more 1 read / Link3-12 과
16 Unit4 워크북체크 레츠리뷰/ unit test
17 unit5 Let's talk / Link 3-13 과
18 UNIT 5 Let's learn and more 1쪽 /Link 3-14
19 unit 5 Let's more 1쪽 Read / Link 3-15과
20 unit 5 워크북 체크 / unit test
21 v unit 6 Let's talk and learn1 쪽 / Link 3-16과
22 v unit 6 Let's learn 1 and more 1 / Link 4-1
23 v unit 6 Let's more 1 and read /Link 4-2
24 v unit 6 Unit test +Reveiw v
25 v unit 7. Let's talk and learn 1 쪽,/ Link 4-3
26 v unit 7 Let's learn 1쪽 and more 1쪽 / Link 4-4
27 v unit 7 Let's more 1 and read / Link 4-5
28 v unit 7 Unit test
29 v unit 8 Let's talk and learn 1 / Link 4-6
30 v unit 8 Let's learn 1 and more 1 / Link 4-7
31 v unit 8 Let's learn more 1쪽 , read . Link4-8
32 v unit 8 Unit Test / Let's Review
33 v 워크북 마무리